I'm happy to be back on the blog!
After 15 years of teaching, I determined that I had been a jack-of-all-trades for too long. It was time to specialize in order to get the most out of my career. So, for the last 15 months, I have been working with Norwich University in Northfield, Vermont on a Master of Arts in American History. This will enable me to teach American History at the high school or community college level, or perhaps work as a historian. I have really enjoyed the study during the first five courses, and I have just started the sixth and final one, in which I develop a "capstone" paper. The next step in the process is a residency, which will take place at Norwich June 19-23.
What an opportunity for a ROAD TRIP!! I decided to make it a sort of "Appalachian Trail/Atlantic Coast" sort of trip, but--due to budget issues--I've had to chop a little off of each end. Still, it's going to be a great trek! I will depart this Thursday, June 15, and return around Wednesday, June 28.
When I drove the Lincoln Highway in 2014, I had an LH bumper sticker. I'm ready this time, too, with a Norwich sticker. Can't wait 'til Thursday morning!!!