12. Footprints on the shore of the Great Salt Lake. This was a somewhat unpleasant memory, as this salty sand was sticky and gooey and smelled bad because of dead birds nearby. But the pic gives you an idea of how far the water has receded over the years.

11. The Cross at the Crossroads. I thought the contrast of this HUGE cross and Interstate 55 behind it near Effingham, Illinois, was remarkable. And to think, people did this with money out of their own pockets as a ministry!
10. Prairie Dog. I made a special trip to see these creatures in their natural environment. While I'm sure the natives see them as I see squirrels in Georgia, I was thrilled to watch them. They're pretty elusive!

9. Arizona sandstorm. I didn't take many pics from the car, but I couldn't resist that sandstorm making its way across the desert toward the highway. I'm glad I didn't get caught in a BIG one!
8. Prayer Tower at Oral Roberts University. I had always heard what a beautiful campus this was, so I wanted to see. Whether or not you subscribe to all of Roberts' beliefs or methods, you have to recognize what a special place this is. As a student, to be able to go up into this tower to pray at any time must be an inspiring experience!
7. Orville and me. I had read about the Orville Redenbacher statue in Valparaiso, Indiana, but I didn't realize there would be room for ME to sit with him on the park bench! It's pretty touristy, but I love this pic!

5. Sunset in Winnemucca. I'm not a great photographer by any means, but I wanted to try to capture this sunset behind the mountains in Winnemucca, Nevada. It turned out pretty well!

4. San Francisco from a Cable Car. This is the downtown end of the cable car line that runs from Fisherman's Wharf to the shopping district. I wouldn't give anything for this experience!

3. Abe watching over Newark. The Abraham Lincoln statue in Newark, New Jersey, looks down the main street of the downtown area from the courthouse lawn. It gives the impression of Lincoln watching over the events of downtown. Love this view from the rear! This is my favorite picture out of the dozens of Lincoln statue pictures I took.
2. Veteran at the Korean Memorial. As it began to rain that day in Washington, I saw this veteran in a wheelchair looking at some of the flowers and other memorials left at the Korean War Monument. I could only imagine what memories they brought back for him!
1. The Western Terminus of the Lincoln Highway, Lincoln Park in San Francisco. When I decided to drive the Lincoln Highway, this was the moment I was anticipating. Finally, here it was! From Lincoln Park, you can see the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, the Bay, and look out to the Pacific. In the midst of this is the Legion of Honor Museum with the Terminus Marker beside the bus stop across the street. It marked a great accomplishment, but it was the JOURNEY that was the thrill!
I'm going to return once more to list my Favorite Memories of my vacation....Talk to you then...
A wonderful collection of photos that conveys the magnitude of the trip along with the personal moments that made it even bigger than the miles it covered. Well done.